Subpoena services are among one of the most important parts of a private investigator’s job. They hold a specific set of skills very well suited to this particular task. Before we go onto how PIs provide subpoena services it would be best to define what a subpoena is exactly.
A subpoena is a legal document or number of documents issued by an attorney. The court and other governmental entities can also issue subpoenas. A subpoena seeks to compel an individual or organization to provide evidence for a legal proceeding or to testify at such a proceeding. Private investigators can provide subpoena services as part of a package for clients to support them throughout a case. They are especially helpful when the delivery of these documents is a matter of urgency and findin the subject is proving to be challenging.
What types of subpoenas are there?
There are two principle types of subpoena services, we deliniate these below:

- Subpoena Duces Tecum: This document compels an individual or group to send written records, or other evidence, to court. Court then examines this evidence in preparation for a trial. The type of evidence can vary drastically, but there are a few more commonly requested sources. For example, tax records, educational histories, insurance claim records, employment records, and medical records.
- Subpoena Ad Testificandum: Whereas a subpoena ad testificandum orders its recipient to appear in person at a deposition. Court usually refers to these as an examination before trial (or an EBT). This subpoena may also order its recipient to appear at another sort of legal proceedings, such as a trial or a hearing. In some instances, it is possible for the individual to have a qualified and authorized person to come in their stead. This, however, depends on the kind of case and the nature of their importance to it.
How do private investigators serve subpoenas?
It is important that a qualified individual serve a subpoena, and that they be an authorized process server. Once the PI has completed their service, a process server must fill out an afidavit. This must be done with the court of the relevant jurisdiction.

One major advantage of serving a subpoena via a private investigator is how prepared they are. Many PIs specialize in trial preparation and trial prep investigations. Their unique skillset in court proceedings, investigations and locating people lend themselves perfectly to this task. Their skip tracing skills enable them to perform optimamely as process servers.
If you find yourself in need of this particular set of skills, please feel free to call us. Or simply click on this link to get in contact with one of our team members.